Meghan Markle issued serious warning amid blatant 'hypocrisy' within her brand

Meghan Markle recently launched a new brand called American Riviera Orchard

A public relations expert has issued a warning to Meghan Markle after she launched her new brand American Riviera Orchard.

The Duchess of Sussex launched the brand with a video of herself in her luxurious kitchen and the brand sells homewares.

Now, public relations expert Lynn Carratt says that “launching a brand with a video like this is not going to resonate” with the average person.

She argues: “Who has a luxury kitchen like this in their home? And you also have to ask yourself how much the products are going to cost, as they are unlikely to be affordable.”

“You can't be defending the underprivileged one minute and the next minute be in a luxury kitchen wearing designer clothes and selling luxury homemade products,” he added. Mirror.

“There needs to be some consistency and authenticity in Meghan's brand. Meghan will always be criticized for anything she does, but she also needs to help herself foster the right PR strategy,” he said.

However, Lynn said Meghan's use of the Duchess of Sussex title for branding is not necessarily out of line, as other experts have said.

“I don't necessarily think Meghan is directly capitalizing on her royal title with the brand yet, it's more based on her current life, hence the name of the brand. Montecito is often referred to as the American Riviera,” he concluded. .

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