Meghan Markle is called more than cruel and motivated by the limelight

Meghan Markle is called more than cruel and motivated by the limelight

Meghan Markle just came under fire for being incredibly cruel to Prince Harry, especially on a day honoring his mother, Princess Diana.

Author and royal commentator Angela Levin expressed these sentiments during her interview with GBN America.

He started by highlighting everything with Nana Akua and started by saying, “She wants to be in charge. She didn't want to walk behind Catherine often while they were there.”

“She was trying to go to the next room first. The attendees, some of them, were walking incredibly fast to stop them because they couldn't go in front of Queen Elizabeth, who was alive at the time.”

He also added: “Being educated and understanding where you are is very important.”

Because “if she had stayed, she could have been great with a lot of the things she could have done, but she couldn't wait. She is very impatient. She has to win, and she has shown it with her new website” and she always “has to be in the spotlight”.

These accusations have come especially considering the fact that “she took the spotlight off Harry on his mother's charity day.”

“He believes Diana would have adored Meghan and they would have been best friends. I don't think that's quite right. I think that ruining that occasion for her husband and taking away the limelight from her is more than cruel,” she also added before saying goodbye to her.

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