Meghan Markle accused of changing things with her recent exit

Meghan Markle accused of changing things with her recent exit

Meghan Markle just came under fire for reversing everything she expressed displeasure over after moving to the United States.

Real commentator and author Tom Bower made all of these claims and statements.

He broke it all down during one of his most recent pieces for The Daily Mail.

It all started when the author noted that “Just six years ago, the Queen appointed Meghan ambassador to the Commonwealth. Her Majesty later appointed her vice-president of the Commonwealth Trust.”

“At the time, few could have imagined that Meghan and Harry would soon denounce members of their own family as racists in a television interview with Oprah Winfrey.”

But “I am not surprised that the Sussexes now appear to have retracted their scandalous suggestion, made to Oprah, that Buckingham Palace had decided, even before their son Archie was born, to deny him a title and security protection because he is mixed race. career.”

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