Matthew Perry's will leaves huge amount to special trust

Matthew Perry died in October 2023 due to acute effects of ketamine, according to LAPD

Matthew Perry's will leaves huge amount to special trust

Matthew Perry left a huge amount to a trust he established under the name of a famous Woody Allen character.

According to legal documents cited by TMZhe Friends The alum, who died in October 2023, left more than $1 million to the Alvy Singer Living Trust, which is named after Woody. Annie Hall character in 1977.

The outlet claims that Matthew created the will in 2009 in which he stated that he wanted to leave “the majority of his belongings to a trust.”

According to records, the star's personal belongings are worth just over $1 million, while he was worth an estimated $120 million.

The celebrity who died childless had also specified in his will that any children he might have after 2009 had no “explicit right” to his wealth.

Lisa Ferguson and Robin Ruzan, Mike Myers' ex-wife with whom he worked on the game show famous liar, They were listed as executors of his will.

Additionally, Matthew's parents are likely to take over his acting royalties, as well as other pieces of his estate, including his 2022 memoir, according to Tasha Dickinson, trusts and estates partner at Day Pitney.

The comedy actor died from the “acute effects of ketamine” and drowning, according to a Los Angeles Police Department autopsy in October 2023.

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