Lighting a million paths

PTI supporters chant slogans as they gather during a protest demanding free and fair election results, in front of the provincial election commission office in Karachi, Pakistan February 17, 2024. — Reuters

It is not often that we come across something that not only brightens our day, but also generates hope that never fades. These are events and experiences so exceptional that they leave an indelible mark that stays with us for a lifetime.

Aliya Hamza and Sanam Javed have been incarcerated for over a year now. Not only have they refused to capitulate to the brutal state apparatus, but the smile on their faces has illuminated many paths. They wear that smile as they leave the prisoner van or the courtroom after being denied bail. They wear that smile as they are driven from one city to another facing false charges. They wear that smile among their friends who cheer their bravery and in the deathly silence of the cell where they are locked up.

They smile when they think of their future, their children, their families and the agony and physical pain they suffer incessantly at the hands of their captors. But that smile refuses to go away.

His message to his leader is charged with boundless courage: “Tell Khan Sahib “Let him not give up because of us. We have not been discouraged under pressure in the past and we will not be discouraged in the future, no matter what we are subjected to. We will never be his weakness. We are his strength and we always will be.”

Then there is that iron-willed lady, Dr Yasmin Rashid, who sports her own smile that shoots arrows through the hearts of the oppressors. She too has been incarcerated for over a year and is immediately re-arrested on trumped-up charges every time she is granted bail.

Battling cancer, he has not wavered for a moment in his determination to carry on until the mission of a truly independent and sovereign Pakistan is accomplished. His steely smile has unnerved adversaries, who have been unable to find an antidote to his unwavering courage and perseverance, which have rekindled faith in many wavering souls.

Then there is Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Senator Ijaz Chaudhry, Mahmood ur Rasheed and Omar Cheema. They have come together as an inseparable group, wedded to a cause that is dearer to them than their own freedom. They too have been in prison for long periods, but their persistence in the righteousness of their quest and the veracity of their mission has not wavered. They have borne the brunt of state tyranny in a million ways, but have stood firm to protect their country from the clutches of despotism and restore the sanctity of the constitution and the rule of law.

Despite suffering immensely, hundreds and thousands of other activists and workers have also remained steadfast in their resolve to support the cause of “Haqeeqi Azadi”. Some of them are locked up in jails, while others are on the streets recounting gory stories of the suffering they endured as they refused to give in to the inhuman treatment they were subjected to by their tormentors.

The smile that spread across the faces of Aliya Hamza and Sanam Javed, the steely determination of Dr Yasmin Rashed, the boundless perseverance of Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Ijaz Chaudhry, Mahmood ur Rasheed, Omar Cheema and the sacrifices of scores of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) supporters in the face of torture and state brutality have breathed life into a struggle that everyone thought would wither away with time.

On the contrary, it has flourished even more, and each day brings with it stories of immeasurable determination. Together, they form the core of what the PTI is today. They provide a solid foundation on which the party stands, which grows stronger with each new day of pain and suffering.

This camaraderie of faith is the most precious treasure that the PTI family has earned and cultivated. It is unique in its essence and unfathomable in its measure. It is rooted in the vision of a caring and progressive Pakistan that would commit itself to protecting its sovereignty in the most daunting circumstances and alleviating the sufferings of its people by creating conditions in which they could live with dignity and self-respect. Over time, as more followers join the fold, this camaraderie of faith continues to grow in a formidable manner.

Pakistan has become accustomed to walking a predetermined path, riddled with innumerable obstacles. The state has often fallen into them, leading to immediate setbacks and long-term challenges. However, no lessons have been learned as the country staggers forward, struggling to get out of a quagmire that only deepens with time. While mistakes made in the past have been acknowledged in some cases, instead of learning from these grave mistakes, they have been repeated ad nauseam.

In this mood of despondency, the smiles and steadfastness of spirit of the PTI supporters have generated hope that things may begin to change after all. Pakistan needs a new path to tread. It must divorce itself from the squalor of the past, with its crime and corruption, and replace it with people of character whose hearts beat with the love of their country. Trying the same old recipes, in the hope that they may yield different results, reflects faulty thinking that is likely only to further aggravate the existential challenges facing Pakistan at this juncture.

In addition to looking at things differently and banishing the tendency towards inflexibility, change also has its roots in institutions and their functioning. Due to the sacrifices of the PTI, winds of change have begun to blow across the national spectrum. The judiciary, a key pillar of the State, is giving signs that, with the unprecedented courage shown by some of its judges, it could lead the country to adopt a culture of justice and freedom. If that happens, as seems likely, it will drastically alter the dynamics that shape state policies. It would also affect the functioning of other national institutions, which would then be unable to shelter behind judicial protection and shelter.

First of all, sanity must once again be the main ingredient driving the human mind instead of recklessness. Continuing with the indulgences of the past or reformulating the same approach with cosmetic changes will not do any good. A drastic transformation is coming, and it should be welcomed.

Smiles, iron determination, faith and perseverance are other elements that fuel change. In the faces of Aliya Hamza, Sanam Javed, Dr Yasmin Rashid and so many other silent and unknown warriors, Pakistan's political history is being rewritten, bringing it out of the dungeons of the past and leading it towards salvation.

Soon we will see this smile spread across the face of Pakistan, lighting up a million paths.

The writer is PTI's information secretary and a fellow of King's College London. He tweets and posts at @RaoofHasan.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of

Originally published in The News

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