Ladies! Here's why you should never wear makeup while exercising

Recent research reveals adverse effects of makeup during exercise on skin moisture, pore size and oil levels.

Stephanie Becerra touches up her makeup before working out at CYC Fitness in Chelsea. — New York Post

While it may be tempting for some women to apply foundation before hitting the gym, a recent study warns against working out with makeup, highlighting the potential drawbacks to skin health. daily mail reported.

Research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology involved 43 healthy college students and revealed the adverse effects of wearing foundation while exercising, specifically on skin moisture, pore size, and oil levels.

Participants in the study applied foundation cream to one side of their face, while the other half remained without makeup. A skin analysis device evaluated the skin before and after a 20-minute treadmill run.

The results indicated that while humidity increased in both the makeup and non-makeup areas after exercise, the makeup areas showed a stronger increase in humidity, possibly because makeup hinders moisture evaporation.

On skin without makeup, pore size increased after exercise, indicating possible pore blockage induced by foundation application. Additionally, an increase in fat levels in areas without makeup and a decrease in areas with makeup indicated challenges in maintaining fat balance when wearing makeup during workouts.

Corresponding author Dongsun Park of Korea National University of Education stated: “The findings suggest that using a cream foundation during aerobic exercise can reduce skin oil and cause dryness. In addition, makeup can clog pores and increase sebum production.

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