Kristen Stewart Decides 'Different Wedding Ideas': Insider Reveals

Kristen Stewart is expected to take the next step in her relationship with fiancé Dylan Meyer

Kristen Stewart Decides 'Different Wedding Ideas': Insider Reveals

Kristen Stewart just opened up about her wedding plans and revealed that she's undecided about how she'd like things to go during their nuptials.

A source revealed to PEOPLESpeaking of Stewart, “he's had different ideas about how to celebrate his wedding,” with his fiancée, Dylan Meyer.

“You might prefer less fanfare than you originally wanted. But that changes,” the source added.

“Ultimately, she likes family life and hopes to have more of that,” the source said.

The source also revealed that Stewart is very much in love with his fiancée, Meyers.

“She has been happy in her committed and committed relationship for quite some time now. She loves being at home doing domestic things,” the source stated.

He love lies bleeding The star met his fiancée in 2013 on the set of a movie, however, their whirlwind romance began in 2019, after the couple reconnected.

Kristen Stewart later announced her engagement to her partner Meyer, on November 2, 2021, in an interview with Howard Stern.

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