King Charles' power and ability to be monarch of the United Kingdom are called into question

King Charles' power and ability to be monarch of the United Kingdom are called into question

Experts have begun to question King Charles's power in the United Kingdom, as well as his ability to govern the country.

The comments about the Royal Family have been brought to light by royal commentator and expert Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on a few things during one of her most recent articles for

In that article, she said: “The derisive question often asked about King Charles is: does he have any real power?”

“He cannot order anyone to blockade, try to retake Normandy or even force Sir Keir Starmer to take hedgehog preservation more seriously.”

“But that logical and tangible measure of muscularity doesn’t take into account the wider cultural footprint of the royal family and, more particularly, Kate,” because “the Princess of Wales has a global influence like never before.”

For those unaware, this was the case from the early days of her marriage to Prince William because she enjoyed a “hugely influential position,” according to the expert.

She also recounted how “when the art history major opened her mouth, the world tended to listen, at least for a while and at least until their eyes glazed over as she earnestly argued for early years support and the Internet got a little bored and started watching cat videos.”

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