King Charles’ gestures with Prince Andrew are “astonishing and reckless”

King Charles has just been criticized for acting in a “surprising and reckless” manner

King Charles’ gestures with Prince Andrew are “astonishing and reckless”

Experts have just criticized King Charles for the decisions he made about Prince Andrew, now that names related to Jeffrey Epstein are also being published.

This has all been disputed by royal commentator Richard Kay.

He weighed in on things in a more recent article for the daily mail.

The expert began by saying: “In hindsight, would the king have agreed to include Prince Andrew in the royal family’s Christmas parade at Sandringham?”

“At that time this fraternal decision seemed typically Christian on Carlos’s part. Ten days later, as toxic new revelations about the Duke of York’s sordid behavior emerge from unsealed court documents in New York, the gesture appears not only surprising but possibly reckless.”

“What is even more disconcerting is that the royals cannot hide behind the suggestion that they did not know how serious the allegations were going to be. The prospect of more sensational claims coming to light about the long-running aftermath of the nasty Jeffrey Epstein affair had been telegraphed for weeks.”

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