Kevin Costner reveals 'valuable story' about meeting Prince William

Photo: Kevin Costner reveals a 'valuable story' about his meeting with Prince William

Kevin Costner reflected on meeting Prince William after Princess Diana's tragic death.

In a new interview with people magazine, The 69-year-old acting sensation reflected on meeting Prince William years after almost casting Princess Diana in his movie sequel. The bodyguard.

He yellow stone The hitmaker shared that while in England, he was summoned by Prince William through his representatives.

Speaking of this meeting, Kevin confessed: “I have never talked about this.”

However, he said of the future king of England: “But I can do it because I respect him a lot.”

“But I think it's a worthwhile story about him, and since we talked about this, I've had an incredibly unusual, mostly beautiful life,” Kevin explained.

Speaking of this private meeting, he added: “And then we met in this room where the chairs were still stacked on top of chairs. It was just us, I'm sure there was someone [waiting outside] But it was just someone I knew. There was no one else”.

“He came over, we sat down, we shook hands and the first thing out of his mouth was, 'You know, my mom likes you,'” she revealed and shared in response to Prince William, “I know.” .”

In conclusion, the two-time Oscar winner revealed that he had a “sweet” conversation with Prince William for about half an hour, but kept the topic of their conversation a secret.

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