Kate Middleton, King Charles risks capsizing the entire monarchy

Experts believe King Charles and Kate Middleton's 2024 start risked capsizing the entire monarchy

Kate Middleton, King Charles risks capsizing the entire monarchy

Experts believe Kate Middleton and King Charles' fight against cancer nearly toppled the monarchy.

The claims in this regard have been brought to light by a close friend of the current King and Queen of England.

The friend in question revealed everything while talking to The times.

At the beginning they said: “This has been the year that no one could have predicted in any way.”

Because “Just when you think real life is getting predictable, you both have a crown on your head, the family is settling into a rhythm, the second son isn't dropping too many bombshells, and suddenly there's an absolute explosion that throws everything out of your plans. .”

For those who don't know, the entire conversation revolves around the double cancer diagnosis that came hand in hand in early 2024.

In the eyes of the friend, “that family has more drama than an episode of (the popular British soap opera) EastEnders.”

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