Kate Middleton is making things complicated by giving red meat to dogs

Kate Middleton is making things complicated by giving red meat to dogs

Kate Middleton has just found herself under scrutiny from royal experts for the way she has conveyed her “cancer-free” message to the public.

Barbara Ellen, writer of The Guardian She herself admitted all this in her own article.

She referenced Kate's cancer update video on Instagram and offered an analysis of whether her approach remains real.

According to Ms Ellen, “you can understand why some colleagues with cancer might find it too photogenic and filtered, and not just in terms of images.”

Especially “after the cyclone of scrutiny surrounding her diagnosis, one could easily imagine Kate feeling pressured to appease the ever-voracious two-headed triffid of the media and public.”

Almost as if the idea was that “red meat should be thrown to the dogs.”

In Ms. Ellen’s eyes, “these might all be important factors, but are they the only ones and are they the primary motivators?”

“Stylistically, the video borders on cheesy (you can tell they are relative newbies to Instagram), but so what? Doesn’t the Princess of Wales have a right to feel as terrified and transformed by cancer as anyone else?” she added.

“It’s clear that Kate and William want the royal family (which King George VI wisely called “the firm”) to modernise and survive. Moreover, this new film seems to go beyond the typical royal rip-off.”

Before signing off, however, she made it clear that “whatever soft-focus aspirations are being made, there’s something key missing. As I look at it for the umpteenth time (yes, I know, I should have a life), I realize: the couple in the video present a lot of complicated things, but not like royals.”

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