Jimmy Kimmel criticizes Aaron Rodgers and Epstein in monologue

In his first late-night monologue of 2024, Jimmy Kimmel attacked NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers, a week after their public feud began.

Earlier this month, the New York Jets quarterback suggested during an appearance on “The Pat McAfee Show” that the longtime late-night personality could appear on Jeffrey Epstein’s damning list of associates, and that he would celebrate if that was the case. A week and a publication of Epstein’s list later, that was not the case.

“Of course my name wasn’t on it, isn’t and never will be,” Kimmel said Monday, echoing his initial response to Rodgers’ claim. “I don’t know Jeffrey Epstein, I never met Jeffrey Epstein. “I’m not on a list, I wasn’t on a plane or on an island or anything like that.”

Kimmel told his audience that conspiracy theories about the company he runs (ahem, “Pizzagate”) not only harm himself but also the people closest to him. Rodgers, he said, has only done more damage on that front.

Monday’s monologue was not the first time Kimmel took shots at the football star. In March 2023, the late-night personality mocked Rodgers’ “crazy idea” that the UFO reports were meant to distract from Epstein’s list. Kimmel also previously chastised Rodgers for his controversial comments about the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021.

“Aaron Rodgers has a very high opinion of himself; because he was successful on the football field, he considers himself an extraordinary being,” Kimmel continued. “He really thinks that because God gave him the ability to throw a ball, he is smarter than everyone else. The idea that his brain is normal and ordinary is unfathomable to him.”

Kimmel’s scathing comments didn’t end there, as he ridiculed Rodgers’ intelligence (“Aaron got two A’s on his report card, both of which were on the word ‘Aaron'”) and his side jobs (“They let him host ‘Jeopardy!’). ‘For two weeks, now he knows everything.’)

He added: “Aaron Rodgers is too arrogant to know how ignorant he is.”

While Kimmel said he supports athletes expressing their opinions on non-sports matters, he clarified: “Saying someone is a pedophile is not an opinion, nor is it trash talk.” For more than 20 years, the late-night show has had its fair share of sarcastic and snarky comments, but “we don’t make up lies,” Kimmel said, noting the writers and fact-checkers who help craft each episode. .

The late-night star concluded his segment about Rodgers by saying he would put the drama behind him if the Jets player apologized. However, she admitted that might not be likely.

“I suppose he won’t apologize; “I hope I’m wrong,” Kimmel said.

Rodgers made his regular weekly appearance on McAfee’s show on Tuesday, and Kimmel was right: The New York Jets quarterback did not apologize. Rodgers, however, claimed that he had never suggested that Kimmel be on Epstein’s list.

“I totally understand how serious an accusation of pedophilia would be, so I understand why you’re upset about that,” Rodgers said, adding: “I’m not stupid enough, even though they think I’m an idiot and you’ve made a lot of comments about my intelligence, “But I’m not stupid enough to accuse you of that without absolutely any evidence, concrete evidence. That’s ridiculous.”

Rodgers said Kimmel made a comment last year that the 10-time Pro Bowler said he interpreted as the comedian suggesting that Rodgers was a conspiracy theorist for believing there was a list of names of Epstein’s clients. Rogers later said that his comment from last week was referring to that.

“I said a lot of people, and I’m quoting myself, a lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, really hope that doesn’t come out. End of quote,” Rodgers said Tuesday of his comment from the previous week. “That’s what I said, the full quote. I was referring to the fact that if there is a list… and there are names on it, that would be the second time that a soft-brained, crazy, anti-vax, anti-Semitic, purveyor, disinformation-spreader, Conspiracy Theorist, MAGA college student – whatever things he and other people in the media have said – he would be right twice.”

Rodgers added: “I’m glad Jimmy’s not on the list, I really am. And I don’t think it’s the f-word. … I wish him well. Once again, I don’t give importance to what he says about me. But as long as he understands what I really said and that I’m not accusing him of being on a list, then I’m all for moving forward.”

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