Is the pressure of social media keeping Britney Spears off Instagram?

Is the pressure of social media keeping Britney Spears off Instagram?

Social media can be toxic. Recent posts by Britney Spears seemingly highlighted the growing issue.

On Instagram, the pop icon recently shared the long-awaited raunchy snaps, but what caught fans' attention was the caption of one of the photos.

In the post, the Toxic The hitmaker spoke about her desire to stay away from Instagram primarily, some would say because of the toxicity on social media sites that previously followed the megastar.

“Some days I want to be here on Instagram but most days I disappear… It's a gift and so is saying goodbye.”

However, there could be other background to the publication. The comments come on the heels of the Grammy winner describing the impact of fasting on her, which left her feeling weak to the point that she couldn't post on social media.

“I've started intermittent fasting this week. It may make you feel weak for a few days, but then you get a natural effect because of all the toxins that are released.”

She continued: “In fact, I feel too small and weak to even think about shooting for Instagram right now.”

Noting: “But honestly, I like this spiritual dimension that I'm in… I think we all have our level of prayer… I think I've experienced pretty low levels but also the highest levels!

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