Hunter Schafer says that the new passport presents it

For the stars hunter of “Euphoria”, the Trump administration and its deployment of the anti-transgender executive orders now have it reflecting on the possibility of “having to go out to the border patrol agents” when it revealed that its new passport presents.

In a video of Tiktok shared on Thursday, the actor “Cucoo” and “26 -year -old types of goodness” showed his new brochure, which incorrectly identifies her as a man.

“I completed everything as I would normally. I put the woman, “he explained,” and when I was collected today and opened it, they had changed the marker to man. “

Schafer, who is openly transgender, attributed the discrepancy to the efforts of the Trump administration to implement anti-transgender policies and delay protections for the LGBTQ+community. Within his first week back in office, President Trump signed executive orders stating that the United States government recognizes only two sexes that “are not changing.” As part of the orders, the identifications issued by the Government, including passports and visas, must reflect the sex of a person at birth.

In his video, Schafer said he first discarded Trump's orders, saying: “I will believe it when I see it.” First he changed his gender score to women a decade ago, he said, and his forms of identification have been reflected since then. He had tried to replace his temporary brochure, which he received after losing his former passport last year while filming in Barcelona.

Now, she says it is important to recognize that Trump's policies “are really happening.” Schafer said he was “shocked” upon receiving his new passport this week and acknowledged that his celebrity state is not isolated from transphobic policies.

“I think it is a direct result of the administration in which our country is currently operating,” the model actor continued. “I think I am afraid of the way this is implemented slowly.”

In his first month in office, Trump has also signed executive orders that seek to restrict the attention affirmed by gender for transgender LGBTQ+ athletes and prohibit transgender athletes in women's sports. Schafer said in his video the administration attack against transgender people and their identities is “not only to speak, that this is real and that is happening and nobody … is excluded.”

Ultimately, Schafer said that he could not matter less the wrong genre in his passport: “Does nothing change about me or my transercise.” Despite the difficulties that could come by explaining their gender to government officials, Schafer said: “Trans people are beautiful” and “we will never cease to exist.”

“I'm never going to stop being trans,” he said. “A letter and a passport cannot change that, YF— this administration.”

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