How to avoid terrible tick bites this summer?

A tick crawls on a leaf. – Discard

Nature is known to reduce stress and anxiety, and outdoor activities like riding a bike or having a picnic in a park can benefit your health. This makes spending time outdoors important not only for your mental health but also your physical health.

However, outdoor activities also carry certain risks, including insects, especially ticks that can transmit Lyme disease.

But don't worry because there are several things you can do to reduce your chances of encountering a tick, according to Health.

Keep your head covered

Ticks are found on grass, trees and bushes. If you brush against a branch, you can accidentally knock off a tick, giving it the opportunity to land on any part of your body, including your head.

Keep your head covered with a cap or tie your hair back to prevent ticks from reaching your scalp. Also, spray repellent on your hands and then apply it to your face with your fingers.

Recheck moist areas of skin folds.

Check your body for ticks when you return indoors. Ticks love dark, moist areas, so focus on skin folds, the backs of your knees, in and around your ears, inside your belly button, and armpits when looking for them.

Taking a shower

After being outdoors, shower to remove any ticks that escape when you soap up.

You can reduce your risk of contracting Lyme disease or other tick-borne illnesses by showering within two hours of coming indoors.

Pull up your socks

Put on some white cotton socks and tuck them inside to be better protected.

Treat your clothes

If you're heading into a field filled with ticks for days, consider applying the insecticide permethrin to your clothing, which lasts up to six washes.

You can also treat your boots and other camping gear with permethrin.

Follow the instructions on the label. Make sure you have a ventilated area when you apply the product and a place to hang and dry your clothes when you finish spraying.

Use insect repellent

Insect repellent can discourage insects from getting too close.

Some repellents, such as those containing oil of lemon eucalyptus or paramentanediol, should not be used on children under three years of age.

Wear white or light-colored clothing.

Small ticks are easier to spot on light-colored clothing. When you hit the trails, wear lighter-colored clothing. This will make it easier for you to spot ticks on your clothing.

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