Harry Styles' Hidden Trait Exposed By Friend Amid Stalker's Heartbreak

Harry Styles' school friend shared details about the time they spent together amid a disturbing encounter with a stalker.

Photo: Harry Styles' Hidden Trait Exposed By Friend Amid Stalker's Heartbreak

Harry Styles was reportedly not “cool” during his early years.

According to the latest report of the MirrorThe 28-year-old singer's best friend spoke of his “carefree” school days.

Recounting their time together, Will Sweeney stated, “We were definitely not cool.”

He then addressed the popular singer's apparent 'extrovert' nature, saying: “Harry and I used to play on the football team, so I guess we were friends with everyone.”

“But we wore belts made from shoelaces, so that about sums it up,” he joked.

Read more: Harry Styles is 'shocked' after disturbing encounter with stalker

In a previous conversation, Will also shared, “Harry said, 'I don't want to sing.' But I didn't give him a choice.”

“Being in the band really helped his confidence because people used to say he was a really good singer. There was a born artist there, I just had to find him. But when his confidence grew, it was incredible,” he concluded.

It is pertinent to mention here that this comes after Sun reported that Harry Styles was left “shocked” after a disturbing encounter with a stalker.

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