Harry Connick Jr. reveals his favorite part of the Sandra Bullock movie

Photo: Harry Connick Jr. reveals his favorite part of the movie with Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock received praise from her former co-star, Harry Connick.

The actor recently sat down for a confession with People Magazine and reflected on his performance with Sandra Bullock.

For those who don't know, Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick played lovebirds in the movie, Hope floats.

Harry began the chat by praising Sandra Bullock: “She's just amazing.”

He went on to admit that 26 years after their film's release, the co-stars “still keep in touch.”

Reflecting on the romantic film, Harry confessed that what he enjoyed most about the project was “just meeting Sandy, getting to know her.”

“I loved making that movie with her and I loved everything about it, but coming out of it with her as a friend was definitely my favorite part,” she added.

“She's busy and I'm busy, but when we talk or text, it's always great to hear from her,” he revealed before changing the subject.

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