Ed Sheeran's shocking confession about not owing him a phone number

Ed Sheeran's shocking confession about not owing him a phone number

Ed Sheeran, the Bad habits The singer really discarded some bad habits.

During a recent episode of the talk show, Therapist with Jake ShaneThe 33-year-old singer revealed that he 'got rid' of his cell phone almost a decade ago.

“I haven't had a phone since 2015,” he told host Jake Shane instead of exchanging numbers. “I don't have a number.”

While explaining the reason why he didn't have a phone, he said: “I think I had the same number since I was 15, I got famous and I had 10,000 contacts on my phone that I just… people texted all the time. And I was constantly in contact with a lot of people.”

“I feel like with phones everyone expects you to answer, and if you don't answer, it's rude,” she said. your shape pointed out the singer.

He continued: “Sometimes you're just not in a position to respond, you're busy or doing whatever.”

Sheeran mentioned that talking to people on the phone never ends, saying, “You answer, then they answer you… and suddenly you're in like 40 conversations at once.”

Ultimately, the Perfect The singer decided to get rid of his phone: “I was losing interaction in real life, so I got rid of it.” [my phone]I bought an iPad, moved everything to email, which I respond to once a week.”

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