Do women eat less meat than men?

A representative image of meat with vegetables on a plate. — Pexels

A new study has found that men eat more meat than women, prompting suggestions from experts that women should consume more of it because of its health benefits.

The findings published in the journal. Nature scientific reportsanalyzed data from 21,000 people in 23 countries, and also revealed a wider gap in wealthier and more gender-equal countries, reported Yahoo Life Friday.

What are the benefits of eating red meat?

Dietitian Michelle Routhenstein said red meat is a food rich in protein, vitamins, iron and zinc.

Protein helps repair muscle bones, while vitamin B keeps the brain healthy and enables cell production.

For immunity, zinc is very important and iron crucial for blood circulation.

Are there any risks from eating red meat?

Meat is full of saturated fat and can increase levels of “bad” cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which can cause hardening of blood vessels.

A study published last year by the University of Oxford revealed that people who consume red meat are more likely to develop heart disease.

Those who eat processed foods have an 18% higher risk of developing these types of diseases.

It is also linked to the development of certain types of cancer, such as colon and rectal cancer.

Does meat affect women and men differently?

Both receive the same amount of nutrients, but women have a higher demand for oxygen, according to dietitian Edwina Clarke.

“For women of childbearing age, iron is a concern,” Clarke said. Yahoo Life. Women also lose blood during their periods, so their demand for fluid becomes crucial to staying healthy.

A study published in JAMA found that almost 40% of women and girls between 12 and 21 years old were iron deficient.

Experts suggest that both men and women consume meat in moderation.

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