The Monkey King, Sun Wukong, is a beloved character in Chinese culture, comparable to the popularity of Grimm’s fairy tales in the West.
In a peculiar employment opportunity, the Wuzhishan Scenic Area in China’s Hebei Province is looking for someone to embody the legendary Monkey King of Chinese folklore. cnn reported on Saturday.
The position offers a monthly salary of $842 and the unique task of hanging out in a cave at the base of a mountain while interacting with tourists and accepting lots of bananas.
The Monkey King, Sun Wukong, is a beloved character in Chinese culture, comparable to the popularity of Grimm’s fairy tales in the West.
Known for his supernatural powers, martial arts prowess, and mischievous adventures, the Monkey King has captivated generations through stories, films, and television adaptations.
The chosen candidate, adorned in a mask and monkey costume, will reside in the Wuzhishan Cave, known as “Five Finger Mountain,” which recreates the Monkey King’s initial entrapment by angry gods.
While the real Monkey King embarked on epic journeys, this modern depiction requires a little less movement.
The job description, shared on social media, highlights the delicious duty of accepting snacks from visiting children, ranging from apples to instant noodles and, of course, plenty of bananas.

With no academic requirements, primary qualifications include a passion for Sun Wukong, a talent for acting, and a friendly, lively demeanor for interacting with tourists.
The position has already sparked interest, with two actors already hired, leaving only one vacant. The manager assures potential applicants that excessive consumption of bananas is not mandatory, as current actors often share their snacks with their colleagues after their shifts.
To address concerns about the caves’ cold conditions, the company has carefully installed an electric heater.
An actor, expressing his childhood love for the character, hopes to convey joy and memories while promoting Chinese culture and drawing attention to the mental health of children and adolescents.
This whimsical job opportunity offers a delicious combination of cultural immersion, interactive participation, and a free banana buffet, making it a unique and appealing role for those eager to step into the shoes (or rather, the mask) of the legendary Monkey King.