Biden vows to protect Social Security and Medicare after Donald Trump's comments

Donald Trump consistently supports and includes cuts to Social Security and Medicare in his White House budget proposals while in government.

US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. — AFP

President Joe Biden has expressed alarm over former President Donald Trump's comments about potentially “cutting” benefits, putting Social Security and health insurance at the center of the presidential campaign debate between the two rivals.

This event could influence the debate around the next elections.

“Many of my Republican friends want to put Social Security and Medicare back on the chopping block,” Biden declared while addressing supporters in New Hampshire. He said he will resist anyone who tries to raise the retirement age or reduce Medicare or Social Security benefits. He said the nation was built by workers.

Drawing attention to statements made by former President Donald Trump regarding CNBC's SquawkBoxRegarding issues of long-term solvency of entitlement programs, Biden emphasized: “Even this morning, Donald Trump said that cuts to Social Security and Medicare are back on the table. The bottom line is that it's still on “I will never let that happen. I will not cut Social Security. I will not cut Medicare.”

Although Donald Trump claimed he was talking about reducing fraud and waste, Biden's reaction was forceful as he promised to protect these important programs that affect millions of Americans.

“First of all,” Trump said on SquawkBox, “there's a lot that can be done in terms of entitlements, in terms of cuts.”

“And in terms of theft and mismanagement of rights – tremendous mismanagement of rights – there are enormous amounts of things you can do.”

It's worth mentioning here that, unlike some members of his party who supported reforms such as raising the retirement age, Trump consistently included cuts to Social Security and Medicare in his White House budget proposals during his administration.

As the nation prepares for a heated political debate in the coming months, the protection of Social Security and Medicare emerges as a crucial focus of the presidential debate. President Biden remains firm against possible cuts or modifications.

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