Ben Affleck clashes with JLo over their commitments between work and personal life

Ben Affleck clashes with JLo over their commitments between work and personal life

Ben Affleck's relationship with JLo is reportedly making him feel very worn down little by little.

An inside source has brought to light revelations about the heart of the couple's relationship.

According good magazine The source said: “Jennifer had started stepping up her work commitments and preparing for her tour. She is very focused on work and tries too hard.”

And with that, Affleck has been feeling the brunt of all of this, as he “doesn't agree with Jennifer's lifestyle.”

All in all, he feels “worn down” by the entire relationship.

“He's been vetted too,” but the duo are on “completely different pages a lot of the time.” The source also later explained that JLo's demanding career also keeps them in “different cities” most of the time.

However, trying to overcome that distance was what led them to realize that “the emotional and physical distance between them stood out.”

As a result, the following weeks also became “increasingly difficult,” and they began to fail “to communicate effectively, with small misunderstandings turning into major arguments.”

In short, “they have fundamentally different approaches to conflict.”

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