A villain returns with a tentacle-type controller in 'Tokyo Vice'

In the second season premiere of “Tokyo Vice,” Detective Karagiri (Ken Watanabe) describes the intimidating antagonist Tozawa (Ayumi Tanida) as “an octopus” with “tentacles that extend everywhere. If one is cut, another grows in its place.” Cinematographer Daniel Satinoff visually brought the painterly dialogue to life in a shocking moment as Tozawa makes an unexpected return in episode 3, “Old Law, New Twist.” Emerging from the shadows, a silhouette of Tozawa embraces Misaki (Ayumi Ito), who believed he had freed himself from his grasp. Mixed emotions appear on his face as he looks directly into the camera lens that serves as a mirror. “The show hasn't done anything direct, very close to the eye lines of the lens, and doing it here made it more impactful,” says Satinoff, who shared the show with Corey Walter. The climactic scene illustrates the season's recurring theme of Tozawa “infiltrating everyone's lives” and was designed to underscore his dominance and assertive control. “The intention behind the shot is this kind of physical manifestation of him being an octopus,” Satinoff notes. “Tozawa is showing his strength and we are trying to show him that he owns her. There is also the feeling that she comes back in when she thought she was out.”

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