At the heart of the World War II story “We Were the Lucky Ones” is a single Jewish family fighting the odds to survive. Based on the novel by Georgia Hunter, the Hulu limited series tells the story of the author's grandfather's family, the Kurcs, who were living in Poland at the outbreak of the war. As the title suggests, the Kurcs manage to survive, although not without sacrifices. The family was divided for years, with some members choosing to flee from one country to another to escape the Nazis, while others stayed in or around Poland.
Logan Lerman and Joey King play two key members of the family, Addy, a young man on the cusp of a successful songwriting career, and his headstrong sister Halina, respectively.
The story of the rising tide of anti-Semitism couldn't be more topical, Lerman notes, his hair tousled. “The creative team's journey goes back 15 years, something like that, trying to make this show and then it happens to align with a moment that's really troubling and a constant, horrible news cycle.”
However, Lerman believes that it is not the politics of war and nationalism that will attract audiences. “What matters most to me in this story is the truth of this family, their history and what they experienced,” he says. “It is not based on any opinion about what is happening right now. These are just innocent people in the middle of a conflict. “It sheds light on human stories and human suffering.”
King, who joined Lerman on this Zoom call, adds: “It's a reminder of what can happen when severe hate goes unchecked. Currently there is a massive increase in all kinds of prejudices: Islamophobia, racism, anti-Semitism. It's devastating. Our program is not intended to be any kind of position, rather, [we] just invite everyone, from all walks of life, to gather around something and watch this compelling true story.”
When it's pointed out to King that it can be frustrating to watch Halina's tendency to reject romance and other opportunities while waiting for her life's path to become clearer, he doesn't disagree. “It's so funny to me that she's such a strong woman and she meets someone who likes that about her and isn't trying to change that about her, isn't trying to tame her, and she's like, 'I'm not trying to tame her.' change that'. Ready yet.'
“I say, 'Girl!'”
Filming of the eight-episode series took place in Romania and Spain (replacing Brazil).
“What matters most to me in this story is the truth of this family, their history and what they went through,” says Logan Lerman, who stars in “We Were the Lucky Ones” with Joey King.
“The Romanian part of the production was an incredible experience for all of us,” says Lerman. “We were very focused and focused on our work, and the Romanian team was exceptional. Spain acted as a character for me in its stark contrast in the surroundings. “She contributed a lot to Addy's feeling of loneliness and disconnection from her home.”
She came prepared with a 300-page research package filled with letters, photographs, transcribed interviews and music that the real Addy had written. “I was pretty consumed with connecting with him and Georgia's family and learning how to play his pieces. My grandfather was also a big influence on me. I tried to incorporate some of his mannerisms into the role.”
When asked about that extra something that each one brought to their roles, the actors respond by describing what they liked about each one's performance.
For King, Lerman was able to capture the emotional dilemma and burden of Addy being so geographically exiled from the rest of her family. “The task she was given was no small feat,” she notes. “He had this particular corner of the show that contrasted with the rest of our stories, and it's a very difficult weight to bear. There is a lot of description of the character. … Someone's charisma and someone's true personality have to be able to support this other half of the show. So Logan's performance contributed a lot. You are so bound by him. You absolutely love Addy. There is so much sympathy in him. You also feel very attached to him, and that is a really special gift.”
Lerman returns the compliment. “I read what was on the page and saw what you brought to it,” he tells his co-star. “I mean, there are a lot of things you can write in a scene or description of a character in a book. Joey [brought] dimension and depth to this person. Whether it was your natural humor, which was important to inject into that character, or just your nuances, the subtleties between words and conflicts. “You were so good at that.”
Both King, 24, and Lerman, 32, have been acting since they were children and now appear to be well-adjusted adults. So what makes some child actors have smooth career transitions while others don't?
“It's different for everyone,” King says. “There are many people who have very different stories from child actor transitioning to adult actor, and some of them are happy; some of them are sad. I think a lot of it is family, having people that connect you, and a lot of it is shared experiences, like Logan and I have become so close because we share a lot of similar experiences.
“I have to say, like any journey worth taking, there is no easy way to do it,” he adds. “With all the ups and downs there have been on this particular journey, I wouldn't take anything back. A lot of crazy things happened for better and worse, and it was wonderful and complicated. I'm so grateful to be able to sit here and do a show with one of my best friends. [It’s] something I'm really proud of. Obviously, all the paths I took led me here.”