Former Jumio exec named CEO for new AI vision ahead of Mainnet launch by Chainwire

Palo Alto, California, June 14, 2024, Chainwire

Autonomys (formerly Subspace) is now an identity-based decentralized AI (deAI) stack for human-AI (H+AI) collaboration.Introducing autonomies—A verticalized decentralized AI (deAI) stack that encompasses distributed storage, distributed computing, and a set of decentralized applications (dApps). The first primitive being built in Auto Suite is our decentralized identity protocol Autonomys ID (Auto ID). The Autonomys AI ecosystem stack is designed to provide all the components necessary to create and deploy AI-powered agents and dApps (super dApps), and includes:

  • Distributed storage: Ensuring data integrity and availability, essential for storing large amounts of AI-related data.
  • Distributed computing: Provides scalable and secure computing resources for AI training and inference.
  • dApp/agent layer: implement and facilitate the development of AI agents and dApps, integrated with Auto ID to enable secure and verifiable interactions.

This verticalized stack not only enhances the capabilities of AI applications, but also ensures that they operate within a secure and decentralized framework. The combination of distributed storage and compute and a strong identity protocol positions Autonomys as a leader in the convergence of web3 and AI. Only a scalable, decentralized network capable of handling billions of AI-enhanced users can drive the transition to H+AI. These foundations leave the Autonomys (formerly Subspace) network uniquely positioned to support necessary primitives, including decentralized identity-based transactions, not only at the Internet scale, but also at the Internet of Agents (IoA) scale.

“In the decentralized future enabled by web3, humans will be empowered by AI while retaining radical autonomy over their destinies. Unlike centralized AI, which is often biased and profit-oriented, a decentralized platform embraces the rich fabric of humanity, ensuring that AI serves as an ally that reflects our diversity and enriches our lives. Only through decentralization can we achieve a future where AI truly amplifies human potential without compromising our values. “We are unashamedly maximalists of humanity.” – Labhesh Patel, CEO of Autonomy.

Network of AutonomiesThe cornerstone of Autonomy's vision for a secure and sovereign collaboration between H+AI is the Network of Autonomies, a deployment of the Subspace Protocol. Its large community of farmers secures the blockchain, backed by an innovative Proof of File Storage (PoAS) consensus, contributing storage, thereby earning rewards through active participation. The growing network of node operators also provides computing (execution) power through our proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism and earns rewards. These decoupled execution environments are called domains. Read more about the protocol at the Autonomys Academy.

This powerful combination of consensus over PoAS and computing over PoS provides the ideal foundation for creating stable and scalable products in the future, including Autonomys ID (Auto ID) and applications built on top of this primitive. In this way, Autonomys Network will become the infrastructure layer that underpins the full web3 x AI (AI3.0) stack, while giving users control over their digital lives. Autonomys is helping to promote an alternative path of autonomy to the state dependency introduced by the Universal Basic Income (UBI), suggested as a solution to the possible “employment apocalypse” brought about by the AI ​​Age. Meanwhile, our path leads to the Age of Autonomy.

Autonomy IDAny AI stack is incomplete without the ability for humans to provide rule-based access controls. These are crucial to ensuring that AI agents are developed and operate within safe and ethical boundaries. Therefore, the need for secure and verifiable identities is paramount.

Autonomy ID (Automatic identification) is designed to meet this need by providing a robust, privacy-preserving decentralized identity protocol that allows both humans and AI agents to seamlessly establish and verify their identities. It represents a fundamental pillar of our mission to help usher in the Era of Autonomy. Automatic identification allows you to prove your humanity and create a unique on-chain identity without undergoing invasive biometric scans. This comprehensive personality test can be used across various dApps and services.

However, the integration of Auto ID within Autonomy's decentralized AI stack goes beyond human identities. By equipping AI agents with human-controlled Auto ID-derived identities, Autonomy can establish a system of trust and accountability. This ensures that AI agents adhere to the barriers defined by their human counterparts, fostering a safe and ethical AI environment. Soon, users will be able to use their Auto ID to efficiently develop and collaborate with AI agents that operate and perform complex transactions within a rules-based framework. Users can also control their agents' permissions and authenticate AI-generated content, providing traceability to generative content and allowing users to maintain authority over their digital footprint as well as that of their agents.

A brief retrospectiveIn 2021, co-founders Jeremiah Wagstaff and Nazar Mokrynskyi published the Farmer's Dilemma white paper after more than three years of research and development, funded entirely by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Foundation. Web3. They envisioned a more equitable fourth-generation Layer-1 blockchain, in line with Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision. This marked the birth of the Subspace Network. Based on a novel consensus protocol that allows anyone to participate using their off-the-shelf PC, the network would grow as the number of users grew. This made Subspace the first truly scalable permanent decentralized storage solution for web3. The same year, the project raised $4.5 million in seed funding, and in 2022, $33 million in a strategic funding round led by Pantera Capital, Coinbase (NASDAQ 🙂 Ventures,, Hypersphere Ventures, and Stratos Technologies.

Autonomy's vision of enabling web3 to operate at Internet scale has continued to evolve alongside the needs of the industry. In the years that followed, Subspace was unique in offering modular computing and execution, and became the Scalable Layer 0 Blockchain for Storage and Computing.

Looking to the futureAt Autonomys the objective is to go one step further. The new roadmap foresees that the Autonomys Network will also serve as:

future base layer for an open, safe and responsible society web3 x AI integration.

The company believes it has the technology, people and experience to achieve that goal. Over the past year, the project has taken a deep dive into AI under the inspiring leadership of our former CEO, Jeremiah Wagstaff. While he and co-founder Nazar are stepping away from day-to-day leadership, they will continue to lead R&D through our toughest problems, including further scaling through data slicing and collective agent AI alignment. The team is immensely grateful for the valuable feedback we received from our diverse ecosystem of stakeholders during this time. It has been fundamental in our decision making.

Autonomy's new CEO, Labhesh Patel, an expert in identity and artificial intelligence, is leading Autonomys towards this AI3.0 mission and is already pushing the boundaries of what is possible. In the coming days and weeks, the community can expect to see Subspace domains, social handles, and more rebranded as Autonomys. Labhesh will soon host an X/Twitter space to discuss these changes with the community. We are incredibly excited for you to meet him.

Labhesh has over a decade of experience in the AI, web3 and identity and access management (IAM) industries, and brings a wealth of experience to the project. In addition to developing cutting-edge technologies in digital identification, KYC and identity verification, Labhesh has spent years building and producing large-scale AI models. He is leveraging this experience to engineer the creation of Auto ID, which will use non-invasive and fraud-resistant protocols to ensure secure Proof of Personality (PoP) on top of Autonomys' AI3.0 stack. His professional career is marked by a commitment to privacy, security, and the seamless integration of AI and blockchain technology.

Users are invited to follow on X and join the Autonomys community on Discord if they have not already done so. Exciting updates and announcements will follow. Autonomys' new vision – integrating the power of web3 with AI – is starting to become a reality with the launch of Nova EVM and, soon, Auto ID. Looking ahead, we are focused on our plan to launch on mainnet in Q3 2024, and the team looks forward to sharing more details and previews of the Auto product suite in the near future.

AI3.0 by autonomyAs we move forward, Autonomys remains committed to driving innovation at the intersection of web3 and AI, what we call AI3.0. Our vision is to create a world where AI agents and humans can interact seamlessly and securely within a decentralized ecosystem. By providing a comprehensive decentralized AI stack and pioneering identity framework with Auto ID, we are laying the foundation for a future where technology empowers and protects people and their digital counterparts.

Welcome to Autonomies. Join us as an active participant in the Age of Autonomy.

ContactsMarketing leaderRadha MathurNetwork of Autonomies[email protected]Ecosystem ManagerJim's AccountantNetwork of Autonomies[email protected]

This article was originally published on Chainwire.

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