Would Donald Trump do anything for money?

Donald Trump raises $76 million in April amid Mar-a-Lago fundraising. – Reuters

Former US President Donald Trump reportedly took photos with only those people at his Saturday Mar-a-Lago fundraising event in Florida who donated a considerable amount of money to his campaign. re-election, reported Washington Post.

The report, which cites multiple sources, claims that presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump “complained about having to take so many photos with donors and told people in the crowd that if they weren't taking a photo it was because they hadn't given enough.” money”. “.

The 77-year-old journalists pointed out that during the fundraising a wedding at their Florida estate had preference “because at the wedding they paid more per person to be there.”

The report indicated how high the price was for securing attention at the Republican National Committee event.

“Anyone who makes a million-dollar donation right now to the Republican Party… I'll let them come and talk,” Trump reportedly said, affected by the accusation.

Among the attendees, two donors took the stage and one of them proclaimed “Donald J. Trump was the person God had chosen.”

According ReutersRepublicans raised more than $76 million in April as the former president has run into legal trouble with his ongoing criminal trial over hush money.

In March, reports indicate that Trump got $65.6 million from donors.

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