Why is Benjamin Netanyahu attacking Egypt, Jordan and Qatar? | Israel's war against Gaza

The Israeli prime minister has criticized regional actors since the start of the war in Gaza.

Since the start of Israel's war against Gaza in early October, its relations with countries in the region have come under increasing strain.

Israel accused Egypt of blocking aid deliveries to Gaza and criticized Qatar's role in mediating the release of Israeli captives.

Israel also says it may not renew a long-standing water deal with Jordan because Amman has denounced its military offensive in Gaza.

Is Benjamin Netanyahu criticizing Cairo, Doha and Amman for political gain, while facing calls to resign as Israel's prime minister?

And how will his conviction affect these countries' ongoing negotiations toward a ceasefire?

Presenter: Nastasya Tay


HA Hellyer – Senior Associate Fellow of the Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies

Sultan Barakat – Professor of public policy at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Doha, Qatar

Akiva Eldar – Israeli political analyst, journalist and author

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