What will be the outcome of the ICJ genocide case against Israel? | Israel's war against Gaza News

Israel has presented its defense before the International Court of Justice in response to the genocide case brought by South Africa.

A two-day public hearing on South Africa's genocide case against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has concluded.

South Africa presented a list of genocidal acts committed by Israel on the first day of hearing on Thursday, while Israel defended itself on Friday.

Now, the court has begun deliberations.

It will decide whether South Africa's case is strong enough to issue an interim measure to stop the Israeli army's attacks on Gaza.

So what is the likely outcome of this case?

Presenter: Folly Bah Thibault


Cathy Powell – Associate Professor of Public Law at the University of Cape Town

Hassan Ben Imran – Board member of Law for Palestine, a non-profit human rights organization

Michael Becker – Assistant Professor of International Human Rights Law at Trinity College Dublin and former ICJ staff member

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