What three traits do successful people have and others don't?

You must do this if you want to be successful in life. — Pexels

There are certain traits and habits of highly successful people that contribute to their not only financial but also social standing among their peers.

Psychologists have identified some of the successful traits that can be helpful.

When a person continually doubts their ability to achieve something in life, this affects their ability to achieve their goals causing anxiety, depression and lack of confidence, according to a study. CNBC report.

Here are some attitudes you should try to be successful.

I do not deserve this

Research in the Journal of General Internal Medicine Research noted that more than 80% of people experience imposter syndrome, which can allow them to doubt themselves, said Christina Helena, a public speaking expert.

Helena advised: “Ask yourself, 'Why do I think I don't deserve this?' If the answer is because your goals don't align with someone else's plan for success, acknowledge that feeling and then let it go.”

“Once you identify where that attitude comes from, it will have less power over you.”

Comparing with others

In the age of social media, people show off their achievements without revealing setbacks, leading others to make comparisons.

Instead, Emma Seppälä, a professor at Yale University, suggested that “instead of focusing on the fact that you are not as beautiful, funny, or innovative as someone else, focus on the attributes you bring to the table.”

Think about what people appreciate about you and what your contribution is to the lives of others, Seppälä advised.


If you're rigid in your approach and don't adapt enough, you're limiting yourself from learning, noted author Cortney Warren.

You can have beliefs that are important to you, but so is being open to new possibilities, Warren said, adding that you should learn from criticism and seek improvement through feedback.

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