What happens if Donald Trump is found guilty?

Donald Trump can pardon himself if he is re-elected, legal experts say. – Reuters

Since the trial against former US President Donald Trump began last month, people began to wonder about the future of the business magnate who had been indicted four times in different cases.

Trump was first impeached last year in March over his alleged payment of money to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016, during his first run for the White House. Prosecutors contended that the former president falsified business records to pay $130,000 to the adult film star.

However, Donald Trump can still run for the White House despite being convicted.

Ilya Somin, a law professor at George Mason University, was quoted by The Hill as saying, “It is certainly true that being convicted or even being in prison does not prevent one from running for president or even being elected.”

“However, taking office would be a difficult situation if the president were in prison.”

Richard L Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, told CNN that the Republican still has a path to becoming president if he wins re-election in 2024.

“The Constitution has very few requirements to serve as president, such as being at least 35 years old. It does not prevent anyone accused, convicted, or even serving a prison sentence, from running for president and winning the presidency,” Hansen said. who is an expert in electoral law.

However, ambiguity remains about a president serving time in prison.

“How someone could serve as president from prison is a happily untested question,” Hasen said.

Hansen also said Trump can pardon himself if he is re-elected.

“It hasn't been proven whether he'll be able to do it. The Supreme Court may have to weigh in,” Hasen said, adding that Trump could “potentially appeal a conviction to the conservative Supreme Court.”

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