What does Georgia's foreign influence bill mean for its bid to join the EU? | TV shows

Protesters took to the streets in Tblisi after the Georgian Parliament passed the “foreign agents” law.

Georgia's Parliament passed a controversial bill that sparked outrage in the capital.

In April, the government announced it was reviving legislation that would require media outlets and non-governmental organizations to register as foreign agents if they received more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad.

That led to weeks of mass demonstrations.

The government says the law is necessary to promote transparency and preserve sovereignty. But critics say the bill brings Georgia closer to Russia.

How will this affect the country's hopes of joining the European Union?

Presenter: Tom McRae


Hans Gutbrod – professor of public policy, Illia State University, Georgia

Ketevan Shoshiashvili – Senior Researcher, Transparency International

Dachi Imedadze – campaign strategist, SHAME Movement

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