What could the United Nations General Assembly's broad support for Palestine's full membership in the United Nations mean? | Israel's war against Gaza

A total of 143 member countries voted in favor, reflecting world opinion on Israel's war against Gaza.

The international community has debated the creation of a Palestinian state for decades. Full members of the United Nations would effectively recognize this.

The first step is broad support in the General Assembly, but the final seal of approval comes from the UN Security Council.

Last month, the United States vetoed a resolution introduced by Algeria and says it will do so again.

So can the moral weight of world opinion reflected in the United Nations General Assembly pressure the United States to reconsider its decision?

What difference could 143 nations' endorsement of Palestine's non-member Special Observer status make?

Presenter: Neave Barker


Jeffrey Sachs – Former UN advisor

Mustafa Barghouti – Secretary General, Palestinian National Initiative

Yossi Mekelberg – Associate member of the Middle East and North Africa Program at the UK think tank Chatham House.

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