What could force Netanyahu to accept a deal with Hamas? | News about the Israel-Palestine conflict

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under pressure to bring Gaza captives home.

Calls for a ceasefire in Gaza are growing louder in Israel.

Three-quarters of a million people took to the streets in major cities on Saturday to demand that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agree to a deal to return the remaining captives home.

But he remains defiant, insisting the war will continue until Hamas is eliminated.

So what will it take for Netanyahu to sign a deal? Could pressure from Israel's allies, including the United States, have any influence?


James Bays


Dan Perry – Author of Israel and the Quest for Permanence and former Associated Press regional bureau chief

Ilan Baruch – Chair of the Policy Working Group, which advocates for policies based on the two-state paradigm; also former Israeli ambassador to South Africa

Yossi Mekelberg – Research Associate at Chatham House think tank, specializing in Israeli and Middle East politics

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