Voices from the occupied West Bank: 'I will continue to speak with love' | Israel's war against Gaza

Occupied West Bank – In a continuation of Al Jazeera's conversations with people in the occupied West Bank about how they view the endless tragic news from the besieged and bombed Gaza Strip and the realities of trying to make a living as a Palestinian under occupation, here are four statements of Palestinians: stories:

A young Christian baffled by how the message of peace and forgiveness that was born with Christ in Palestine could be so cruelly forgotten.

A human rights defender whose life's work has been to protect the people of Palestine from the usurpation of their rights.

A father who wakes up every day in fear because he is terrified that one of his children in Gaza has been murdered during the night.

And a mother whose son made the ultimate sacrifice of his young life because he took the only path he believed possible to fight injustice.

Note: Interviews have been edited for length and clarity.

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