US ship hit by missile off Yemen in Gulf of Aden amid airstrikes against Houthis

Despite the attack, the M/V Gibraltar Eagle continued its journey without interruption

The United States is forming an international coalition to protect international shipping from Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. —AFP/file

According to US officials, a US-owned ship sailing in the Gulf of Aden was attacked by a missile launched from Yemen.

The vessel identified as M/V Gibraltar Eagle, a Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier, was attacked on Monday.

Owned by Eagle Bulk, a shipping company based in Stamford, Connecticut, the ship suffered no injuries or major damage.

The US Central Command revealed that the incident occurred at approximately 4 pm (Sana'a time) when Iran-backed Houthi militants fired an anti-ship ballistic missile from their controlled areas in Yemen.

Despite the attack, the M/V Gibraltar Eagle continued its journey without interruption.

Earlier in the day, around 2 pm (Sanaa time), US forces detected another anti-ship ballistic missile targeting southern Red Sea commercial shipping lanes.

Fortunately, the missile failed during flight and landed on Yemeni soil, causing no injuries or damage.

The Department of Defense reported that no group has claimed responsibility for the missile attack at this time.

The incident highlights the volatile maritime situation in the region and the potential threats facing commercial shipping.

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