US pressures India to update 'murder for hire' plan: undersecretary

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, American citizen and Sikh leader of his organization Sikhs for Justice. —Facebook/Gurpatwant Singh Pannu/Archive

Washington: The United States is seeking to hold India accountable after foiling an Indian plot to assassinate pro-Khalistan Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun on US soil last year.

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said he had raised the issue directly at the highest levels of the Indian government.

The case in question involves Nikhil Gupta, an Indian national arrested in the Czech Republic in June last year for allegedly plotting the murder of Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, an American citizen and Sikh leader. Pannun leads Sikhs for Justice, a group outlawed in India. Gupta was extradited to the United States on June 14 and pleaded not guilty in a Manhattan court on June 17.

Kurt Campbell highlighted that a US citizen was the target of the alleged plot.

“We have had a constructive dialogue with India on this issue and I would say they have been responsive to our concerns,” he said in a virtual interaction with Indian journalists from Washington.

“We have made it clear that we seek accountability from the Government of India and have consistently asked for updates on the investigations by the Indian committee of inquiry.”

“And I would just say that we raised this issue directly with the Indian government… at the highest levels between our two sides,” the senior US official said.

“I don't really have anything more to add to what I've already said. I will say that we also believe that Indian colleagues are carefully analyzing what possible institutional reforms might be necessary.”

“In the wake of these allegations and reports that you described, those discussions continue between the United States and India and I think everything else is likely to come through law enforcement channels,” the US deputy secretary of state said. .

According to U.S. prosecutors' indictment, Gupta was instructed by an Indian government employee, identified as “CC-1,” to arrange Pannun's assassination. Gupta allegedly enlisted the help of a person he believed to be a criminal accomplice, who was actually an undercover U.S. law enforcement officer.

The Indian government formed a high-level inquiry committee to investigate the matter. However, the conclusions of this committee have not been made public. Campbell noted that the United States has raised the issue directly with senior Indian officials, including during his recent visit to New Delhi with US national security adviser Jake Sullivan.

“We believe Indian colleagues are carefully considering what potential institutional reforms might be necessary in the wake of some of these allegations and reports,” Campbell said. He indicated that more information is expected through police channels.

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