US, EU and UK respond to Pakistan general elections

Election official marks the thumb of a voter before casting the ballot at the Rawalpindi polling station during the general elections on February 8, 2024. – APP
  • The United States condemns restrictions on Internet access and telecommunications services.
  • The EU calls on the relevant authorities to investigate the electoral irregularities.
  • The new Pakistani government must be accountable to the people it serves: the United Kingdom.

After completing all the challenging phases related to the conduct of the February 8 general elections, the election organizing authority of Pakistan is now preparing to reveal the nationwide results of the hectic electoral event while the process of collecting the Final voting results have been underway for more than 24 hours. .

Yesterday's voting process across the country was witnessed by a total of 452 observers, including 349 foreign journalists, 43 foreign observers and 60 local observers who closely covered and inspected the main democratic event in the world's fifth largest democracy.

Despite round-the-clock disruption of mobile and internet services as well as security threats, the electoral process was generally peaceful across the country, except for the terrorist incidents that occurred in Balochistan provinces. and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

Furthermore, many parties that had shared parliamentary roles in previous governments raised doubts over the credibility of the results after they were delayed despite assurances from the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to timely release the official results.

Meanwhile, the interim government and the main electoral body denied accusations of any deliberate delay in compiling and publishing the final results after maintaining complex procedures to ensure their transparency.


— Matthew Miller, US Department of State

Millions of Pakistanis made their voices heard by voting in Pakistan's February 8 elections, with record numbers of Pakistani women, members of religious and ethnic minority groups and youth registering. We congratulate Pakistan's election workers, civil society, journalists and election observers for their work to protect and defend Pakistan's democratic and electoral institutions. We now expect timely and comprehensive results that reflect the will of the Pakistani people.

We join credible local and international election observers in their assessment that these elections included undue restrictions on the freedoms of expression, association, and peaceful assembly. We condemn electoral violence, restrictions on the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including attacks on media workers, and restrictions on access to the Internet and telecommunications services, and are concerned about accusations of interference in the electoral process. Allegations of interference or fraud must be thoroughly investigated.

The United States stands ready to work with the next Pakistani government, regardless of political party, to advance our shared interests. We look forward to strengthening our partnership by supporting Pakistan's economy through trade and investment. We will continue to support Pakistan in strengthening its democratic institutions, engage through the US-Pakistan Green Partnership Framework, expand people-to-people ties, and promote human rights, including freedom of expression. We are also committed to strengthening our security cooperation and creating a security environment that provides the Pakistani people with the peace, democracy and progress they deserve.

United Kingdom

— Lord Cameron, Foreign Secretary

The UK and Pakistan enjoy a close and long-standing relationship, underpinned by strong ties between our people. After yesterday's elections, we congratulate everyone who voted.

However, we recognize that serious concerns have been raised about the fairness and lack of inclusiveness of the elections. We regret that not all parties were formally allowed to participate in the elections and that legal processes were used to prevent the participation of some political leaders and the use of recognizable party symbols. We also note the restrictions imposed on Internet access on election day, significant delays in the presentation of results and allegations of irregularities in the counting process.

The UK calls on the Pakistani authorities to uphold fundamental human rights, including free access to information, and the rule of law. This includes the right to a fair trial, through respect for due process and an independent and transparent judicial system, free of interference.

The election of a civilian government with a mandate to implement crucial reforms is essential for Pakistan to prosper. The new government must be accountable to the people it serves and work to represent the interests of all citizens and communities of Pakistan with equity and justice. We look forward to working with Pakistan's next government to achieve this and across the board across our shared interests.

European Union

— Peter Stano, Chief Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

The European Union takes note of the completion of the general elections that took place on 8 February in Pakistan, after several months of postponement and uncertainty, and in the context of a tense security environment.

The participation of the Pakistani people in exercising their right to vote, despite the systemic barriers that women and minority people still face, demonstrates their commitment to democracy and the rule of law. The EU welcomes the higher number of women registered to vote compared to the last elections. We regret the lack of a level playing field due to the inability of some political actors to participate in elections, restrictions on freedom of assembly, freedom of expression both online and offline, restrictions on Internet access, as well as accusations of serious interference. in the electoral process, including arrests of political activists.

We therefore call on the relevant authorities to ensure a full and timely investigation of all reported electoral irregularities and to implement the recommendations of the upcoming report of the EU Electoral Expert Mission.

The authorities faced the difficult task of countering serious threats and terrorist attacks. The EU condemns all acts of violence that took place in the run-up to the elections and calls on all parties and actors to use peaceful and democratic mechanisms to resolve differences, refraining from further violence.

The EU attaches great importance to political pluralism, democratic values, independent media, a vibrant civil society, judicial independence and international human rights standards, which are key to democratic elections. We call on all political actors in Pakistan to engage in a peaceful and inclusive dialogue aimed at the formation of a stable government and respect human rights in accordance with the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, as well as international treaties to those that Pakistan is party.

Pakistan is an important partner for the European Union and we look forward to continuing to work with the Government of Pakistan on the priorities agreed in the EU-Pakistan Strategic Engagement Plan. We encourage Pakistan to continue reforms in the areas of human rights, good governance, as well as labor rights and environmental standards, to address the shortcomings outlined in the November 2023 GSP+ report and continue necessary economic reforms.

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