United States Senate approves provisional spending to avoid government shutdown | Politics News

The short-term spending bill avoids agency closures that would have taken effect Saturday.

The US Congress approved a short-term spending package to avoid a government shutdown, the fourth such stopgap measure in as many months.

The bill, which passed the Senate in a bipartisan 77-13 vote, provides funding for some federal government agencies to continue operating through March 8 and others through March 22, averting a shutdown that would have begun Saturday.

The funding will prevent disruption to numerous government functions, including food safety inspections and compensation for air traffic controllers.

US President Joe Biden must now sign the bill into law.

“I am pleased to inform the American people that there will be no government shutdown on Friday. “When we pass this bill, we will have, thank God, avoided a shutdown with all its harmful effects on the American people,” Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor.

The Senate vote came after the Republican-controlled House of Representatives earlier voted to approve interim funding.

Although the fiscal year began on October 1, Congress has yet to approve 12 annual spending bills that make up the federal budget.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said negotiators had reached agreement on six of the spending bills and were close to a deal on the others.

“We will get the job done,” Johnson said as he emerged from a closed-door meeting with Republican colleagues.

Congress faces more battles in the coming weeks over funding levels for many programs that Republicans want to see cut.

Hardline Republicans had pressured Johnson to use a shutdown as a bargaining chip to force Democrats to accept conservative policy priorities, including measures to reduce the flow of undocumented immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Chip Roy, representative of the Texas House of Representatives, He said Republicans in his faction hope to convince Johnson to push for a new spending bill that would fund the government through the end of September but cut non-defense spending.

“We believe we can do that. We think this really presents a good alternative,” Roy told reporters.

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