UN adopts Pakistan resolution seeking concerted action against Islamophobia

Interior view of the UN headquarters in New York. – APPLICATION
  • Discrimination against Muslims increased despite resolution: Akram.
  • UN chief Guterres calls for promoting mutual respect and understanding.
  • All forms of religious hatred, intolerance are unacceptable: rights chief.

On the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution tabled by Pakistan, by a large majority, calling for concerted action, among other things, to combat ongoing violence against Muslims and requests the UN Secretary General to appoint a special envoy to fight Islamophobia.

Before adopting the new resolution, titled: “Measures to combat Islamophobia”, by 113 votes in favor, none against and 44 abstentions, the 193-member Assembly rejected two amendments proposed by a group of European nations. India, along with most European states, abstained from the resolution.

The proposals would have replaced key language in the resolution, including calling for a focal point instead of a U.N. special envoy and removing references to the desecration of the Holy Quran.

The UN created the International Day through a resolution adopted after the attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, which left 51 dead on March 15, 2019.

Two years ago, the General Assembly declared March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia under the terms of a resolution, also tabled by Pakistan, sponsored by the OIC and other like-minded Member States.

Introducing the resolution, Ambassador Munir Akram, Pakistan's permanent representative to the UN, said that despite the resolution and other actions, as well as efforts by leaders to promote inter-religious and inter-communal harmony, incidents of Islamophobia (of discrimination, prejudice and violence) against Muslims – have increased exponentially at both the social and state levels.

Ambassador Munir Akram, permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN.  — Radio Pakistan
Ambassador Munir Akram, permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN. — Radio Pakistan

“These are manifested in the despicable acts of desecration of the Holy Quran; seven such incidents were recorded last year alone,” he said.

“The lynching of Muslims by 'cow vigilantes': manifested in widespread hate speech against Muslims, online and offline, in discrimination in education and employment.

“In attacks on women who wore the hijab. In the vandalization and destruction of mosques and other sacred places. In racial and religious profiles. In the media, generating hate and prejudice and fueling hate and prejudice. In the calls for genocide against Muslim minorities that go unpunished,” added the Pakistani envoy.

But most governments, he said, refuse to adopt laws and regulations that prevent and punish such acts of Islamophobia and incitement to violence in the spurious agenda of the right to “freedom of expression.”

“However,” he said, “this freedom ends if the Holocaust is denied. This freedom ends if one demonstrates for Palestinian rights or protests against Israel's 'plausible genocide' in Gaza.”

“The worst thing is that Islamophobia is not only tolerated, but propagated by a growing number of states and political leaders in democracies.” Ambassador Akram said, noting that the rise of fascist and right-wing partners in the last elections confirms and consolidates this Islamophobic trend.

“This could lead to an inter-regional anti-Muslim 'killing coalition'. Without naming Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Pakistani envoy said the Indian leader “joyfully consecrates a Hindu temple on the ruins of a 500-year-old historic mosque.”

“A citizenship law is being implemented that would deny asylum only to Muslims and is designed to make 200 million Muslims stateless or second-class citizens,” he said.

“An Interior Minister (Amit Shah) criticizes the police for being 'too lenient' towards pro-Palestinian protesters opposing Israel's brutal campaign in Gaza.

“Immigration policies are designed to deliberately exclude Muslims. Hijab bans are officially imposed. The Muslim call to prayer is banned in some states and ridiculous rules have been enacted to prevent so-called “love jihad” in the “largest democracy.” Islamic names of cities are being replaced. The Islamic legacy must be destroyed.”

He added: “The killing of more than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza, mostly women and children, and calls for genocide against them have been justified by describing them as 'human animals.' The same mentality has led to foreign occupation and repression of Muslims elsewhere and a series of foreign interventions in Muslim countries.”

UN chief urges effective measures

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said “divisive rhetoric and misrepresentation are stigmatizing communities” and everyone must come together to combat intolerance, stereotypes and prejudice.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivers a speech on the International Day to Combat Islamophobia 2024 in this image taken from video.  — YouTube/@unitednations
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivers a speech on the International Day to Combat Islamophobia 2024 in this image taken from video. — YouTube/@unitednations

“Online hate speech is fueling real-life violence,” the UN chief said in a statement, emphasizing that digital platforms must moderate hate content and protect users from harassment.

Institutional discrimination and other barriers are violating the human rights and dignity of Muslims, and much of this disturbing trend is part of a broader pattern of attacks against religious groups and vulnerable populations, which also include Jews, minority Christian communities and others, he added.

“We must confront and eradicate intolerance in all its forms,” ​​he declared. “Leaders must condemn inflammatory speech and safeguard religious freedom.

“Together, let us commit to promoting mutual respect and understanding, fostering social cohesion and building peaceful, just and inclusive societies for all.”

“Islamophobia has stolen lives”

In Geneva, Volker Turk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said all forms of religious hatred and intolerance are unacceptable.

Volker Turk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).  — AFP
Volker Turk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). — AFP

“Today's message is perhaps more urgent than ever: the time has passed to restore peace, tolerance and respect,” he said. “We know that fear generates hatred, ignorance and distrust towards others.”

“Islamophobia has stolen lives,” dehumanizing entire communities and sparking “torrents of hate speech, magnified by social media,” he said, citing multiple reports of “huge spikes” in Islamophobic incidents amid the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. , with almost 600% increase in some countries in North America and Europe.

States should record such incidents and urgently intensify their efforts to combat intolerance against people based on religion or belief using the many tools available to them, including OHCHR's guidance on developing anti-discrimination legislation.

“Religious literacy – in other words, knowledge and understanding of the values ​​of each religion and belief – is also crucial,” Turk said, urging States to include it as part of comprehensive anti-hate training initiatives. religious for law enforcement officers and the judiciary. , religious actors, teachers and media professionals.

'Islamophobia increases after the Israeli aggression in Gaza'

Also in Geneva, Nassima Baghli, permanent observer of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), organized a commemorative event on Friday and stated that “Islamophobia is increasing following the Israeli aggression in Gaza.”

Nassima Baghli, permanent observer of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to the UN.  — UN
Nassima Baghli, permanent observer of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to the UN. — UN

Citing recent anti-Muslim incidents, he pointed to cases of desecration of the Holy Quran that occurred several months ago. “Discrimination and stereotypes based on religion or belief are causing a lot of harm as they dehumanize people and prevent them from enjoying their rights,” Baghli said.

“We need to combat these scourges with great determination and with all the tools at our disposal,” he said. “Our common goal is to promote mutual understanding and respect for all.”

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