UK imams urge government to tackle Islamophobia amid unrest

Far-right rioters at the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, August 4, 2024. — Reuters

LONDON: Dozens of leading imams in the UK have issued a joint statement condemning right-wing media and politicians for normalising hatred of Islam, Muslims and immigrants, sparking riots that have broken out across much of Britain.

In a statement sent to Geo newsThe imams said: “For decades, through the War on Terror discourse of “terrorism,” “extremism,” and the supposed failure of multiculturalism, predominantly neoconservative politicians across the political spectrum have fueled the narrative that migrants in general, and Muslims in particular, are the problem.

“By ignoring Muslims and making disturbing comments about immigration during the recent election campaign, including comments by the current Prime Minister about Bangladeshi communities, an environment has been created which we believe has led to recent events.

“These policies are fundamentally linked to the ongoing genocide against Palestinians by the rebel occupier of Palestine, Israel. Far-right Zionist agitators, such as Tommy Robinson, among others, who have a history of support from pro-Israeli neoconservatives in the US and UK, have been mobilizing an often violent and disorderly backlash against pro-Palestine protests.

“By broadening their focus, these agitators have been actively spreading anti-Islam and anti-immigrant propaganda and falsehoods to their networks, diverting attention from Israel’s crimes and the broader failures of successive British governments.”

Imams say this has emboldened the far right and triggered an alarming level of violence. Far-right mobs have attacked mosques, assaulted Muslims, harassed black men, set fires to hotels and even burned down a citizens' advice office.

The statement reads: “Muslims are naturally brave and will defend themselves, their mosques and their property. However, our communities are also concerned about the safety of all individuals. This civilised attitude should not be mistaken for cowardice or inaction.

“Finally, we are surprised that the government has not labelled what happened as Islamophobic, which further confirms what the Forde Report concluded: that the Labour Party has a hierarchical system and that anti-black racism and Islamophobia are not treated with the same degree of seriousness as anti-Semitism.”

Religious leaders have also called on Muslims to “strengthen their connection with God Almighty and whoever fears Him, He will provide a way out. Continue to expose the horrific Israeli crimes and its accomplices. We must not fall into the trap of diverting attention from Gaza, the West Bank and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

“We hope that the relevant authorities will take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of all individuals and places of worship attacked. However, in the absence of security, the general population must take all legal measures to protect themselves and their places of worship.

“Avoid vigilantism and escalation, as this will feed into a pro-Israel neoconservative agenda to downplay the impact on Muslims by framing Muslim responses as “Islamist” while downplaying far-right agitation as “legitimate grievances.” Avoid covering your face, as this increases the false impression of vigilantism and wrongdoing.

“Where circumstances permit, appropriate Muslims in the community should address perpetrators of far-right violence in the light of Islam and with the aim of correcting false narratives.”

Imams have called on the government to seriously address the threat from the far right, not by eroding privacy but by upholding the rule of law.

“Implement primary legislation to tackle online hate speech and hold to account all those who are complicit in the spread of misinformation and Islamophobia. Equalise racial and religious incitement legislation and remove the need for intent when prosecuting incitement to religious hatred. Incitement and hatred against Muslims is not challenged because it is legal to do so.

“Improve media regulation following the second part of the Leveson Inquiry. Implore the press to use appropriate language when referring to racist marches and rallies rather than calling them protesters. Commit to working with grassroots Muslim organisations such as MCB, Mend and Mab to reassure the Muslim community and show the government is serious about tackling Islamophobia.”

The declaration was signed by the following imams:

Shaykh Haitham al Haddad, London.

Dr. Mufti Abdur Rahman, London.

Sheikh Zahir Mahmood, Birmingham.

Mr Yasir al Hanafi, Aylesbury.

Dr Mufti Yusuf Shabbir, Blackburn.

Mr. Muhammad Tahir, London.

Imam Khalil Ahmed, London.

Imam Sajid Patel, London.

Imam Zeeshan Qayum, London.

Sheikh Bodrul Hussain, Dagenham.

Imam Raza Ali, London.

Imam Abu Aasiyah Mohammed, London.

Imam Aadil Jabir, London.

Imam Afzal Ahmed, London.

Imam Shah Muhammed, London.

Imam Muhammad Anas, London.

Imam Khaled Ahmed, London.

Imam Mohmed Hussein Ali, London.

Imam Husain Patel, Bolton.

Imam Safwaan Hussein, Dundee.

Imam Suliman Gani, London.

Imam Syed Ahmed, Kidderminster.

Imam Ebrahim Noor, Coventry.

Imam Talha Patel, Bolton.

Imam Mohammed Abubakar, Huddersfield.

Mufti Muhammad Sajjad, Birmingham.

Imam Sami Choudhury, Wednesday.

Imam Liaquat Zaman, Birmingham.

Imam Abdullah Patel, Gloucester.

Imam Fazal Hassan, Blackburn.

Imam Mohammed Yahya Sidyot, Manchester.

Imam Zubair Yusufzai, Luton.

Imam Fuad Abdo, Greater London.

Imam Waseem Amin, Glasgow.

Mufti Mohammed Dilwar Hussain, London.

Imam Huzayfah Mangarah, London.

Imam Muhammad Ashraf, London.

Imam Azhar Muhammad, Birmingham.

Imam Hifzur Rahman, London.

Imam Shah Abdul Aziz Afridi, Blackburn.

Imam Raja Imaad Ishaq, Batley.

Imam Khabbaab Ahmad, Batley.

Imam Muhammad Shuaib, Birmingham.

Imam Adam Ayub, Bolton.

Imam Mohammad Sala Uddin, Birmingham.

Imam Ahmed Zaman, Birmingham.

Imam Ali-Haider Abdul Rashid, Sheffield.

Sheikh Shaqur Rehman, London.

Imam Asif Afsar, Birmingham.

Imam Umar Hussain, Birmingham.

Imam Shah Muaz Ahmed, London.

Imam Mohammed Al-Masud, Birmingham.

Imam Imtiaz Lorgat, Birmingham.

Imam Ahmed Suleman Sidat, Blackburn.

Imam Suhayb Qayyum, Birmingham.

Imam Qasim Hussain, London.

Mufti Ismail Satia, Blackburn.

Imam Tauseef Rahman, Blackburn.

Imam Shafiq Mohammed, London.

Sheikh Abu Muhammad, Bradford.

Imam Hammad Mangera, Birmingham.

Shaykh Aqif Naqash, Edinburgh.

Imam Huzaifah Ibrahim, London.

Ustadha Dr Umm Ibrahim, Birmingham.

Mufti Haroon Hussain, Birmingham.

Imam Asif Mahmud, Slough.

Imam Hanif Dudhwala, Blackburn.

Imam Osman Sardoiwala, Nottingham.

Imam Omar Kadeer Khan, Birmingham.

Imam Ibraheem Saleem, High Wycombe.

Imam Tahir Patel, Birmingham.

Imam Mohammed Farook Kazi, Preston.

Imam Umair Zulfiqar, London.

Imam Abdurrahman Al-Masum, Birmingham.

Imam Ammar Mulla, Preston.

Imam Muhammad Ail Hassan, Blackburn.

Imam Zakwan Patel, Lancaster.

Imam Arif Panchbhaya, Newport.

Imam Nazir Khalifa, Coventry.

Imam Anwar Shaikh, Coventry.

Imam Mohammed Moreea, London.

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