Tshering Tobgay to return as Bhutan PM after liberal DPP wins election | Elections News

The electoral commission says the People's Democratic Party, led by Tobgay, won 30 seats in the 47-member parliament.

Bhutan's liberal People's Democratic Party (PDP) is set to form a new government after winning parliamentary elections, according to results from the country's electoral body.

PDP leader Tshering Tobgay, 58, who was prime minister from 2013 to 2018, will become the new prime minister for a second five-year term.

The Bhutan Election Commission (ECB) released its provisional results on Wednesday, a day after the small Himalayan kingdom held elections, in which the PDP won its fourth free vote since democratic elections began 15 years ago.

The PDP won 30 seats in the 47-member parliament, or National Assembly, with the rest of the seats going to the Bhutan Tendrel Party (BTP), according to the ECB's initial count.

The PDP was formed in 2007 by Tobgay.

Bhutanese dressed in traditional costumes queue to cast their votes in the national elections in Deothang, Bhutan [Anupam Nath/AP]

Tobgay campaigned on a promise to boost the economy and reduce unemployment rates, despite the country's constitutionally enshrined philosophy of measuring success in terms of “gross national happiness” rather than gross domestic product (GDP).

According to the ECB, voter turnout was 65.6 percent, with 326,775 people out of 498,135 registered voters eligible to vote. They chose the members of parliament from a group of 94 candidates put forward by the BTP and the PDP.

A first round of voting in November eliminated three other parties, including the ruling center-left Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa party.

The picturesque nation located between China and India is still struggling to revive its aid- and tourism-dependent economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.

India is Bhutan's biggest donor and while the Himalayan nation has no ties with China, it is in talks with Beijing to resolve border disputes. The negotiations are closely watched by India, which has its own border dispute with China.

“My sincere congratulations to my friend @tsheringtobgay and the People's Democratic Party for winning the parliamentary elections in Bhutan,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a post on X. “We look forward to working together again to further strengthen our unique ties of friendship and cooperation.”

In 2008, the country moved from a traditional monarchy to a parliamentary form of government.

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