Trump to hold rally in US swing state of Nevada amid record heat wave | Donald Trump News

A rally for the Republican presidential candidate will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, as temperatures are expected to rise.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will hold an outdoor rally in sweltering Las Vegas, Nevada, seeking to shore up support in a swing state he lost twice but that polls suggest is tilting in his favor in the US election on November 5. November.

Sunday will be Trump's first large-scale rally since a New York jury found him guilty on May 30 of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to an adult film star on the eve of the 2016 election, making him He would become the first former president of the United States convicted of a crime.

Trump spoke Thursday at an event in Arizona, another battleground state, telling supporters about his plans to curb illegal immigration and blaming problems at the southern border on his Democratic opponent, President Joe Biden.

Immigration will be one of the central topics of his speech in Las Vegas, along with criticism of the rise in post-pandemic inflation during Biden's term, according to a campaign statement.

Scorching heat is forecast for the event, with temperatures reaching 36 degrees Celsius (97 degrees Fahrenheit) when Trump takes the stage at noon local time (7:00 p.m. GMT) and rising to 40 degrees Celsius (102 F) at 3 p.m. :00 hours, according to the National Meteorological Service. (SMN).

In a news release, the Trump campaign encouraged attendees to dress for the heat and stay hydrated, and said bottled water and misting and cooling stations would be available, as well as medical personnel on site in case of emergencies.

The campaign noted that the NWS excessive heat warning for Las Vegas – part of a heat wave scorching the southwestern United States – would expire Saturday night before the event.

The measures were aimed at preventing a repeat of cases of heat exhaustion that occurred at Trump's event in Arizona on Thursday, when 11 people who had queued for hours in extreme heat had to be taken to the hospital.

Nevada is one of six or seven swing states that will likely determine the election. A Fox News poll conducted after the guilty verdict showed Trump leading Biden in Nevada by five percentage points, a lead roughly in line with an average of polls over time compiled by the tracking website of FiveThirtyEight surveys.

Democrat Hillary Clinton won Nevada in 2016, as did Biden in 2020. However, it is the only battleground state where Trump did better against Biden than Clinton.

Sunday's rally comes on the heels of a three-day fundraising campaign by Trump that included stops in San Francisco and Beverly Hills, where he raised millions of dollars from technology executives and other donors.

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