This is what the March full moon will bring for your zodiac sign

This representative image shows an artist's illustration of a full moon. — Pixabay

The March full moon, nicknamed the Worm Moon, will rise on March 25 this year and, in addition to its symbolic meaning, it also has astronomical significance in the cosmic world.

Famous astrologer Kyle Thomas revealed People Magazine that full moons “symbolize turning points, culminations, endings or awakenings,” while their energy can be felt “three days before and after” their full moon.

March's full moon also marks the first eclipse of 2024, which Thomas said “will certainly be intense and deep.”

Here's what Thomas suggests the March full moon could mean for you based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Aries.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Aries. — Pixabay

For Aries, March's full moon lunar eclipse may provide opportunities for closer relationships or sparks between them. According to Thomas, important milestones could also occur during this time, such as a declaration of love, a decision to move, an engagement or a marriage.

Thomas suggests that if you're not feeling alignment, it's time to evaluate your relationship with your partner. You may find it easier to get over the drama or let each other off. Meanwhile, singles can also benefit from this vibe by looking for someone with long-term potential.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Taurus.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Taurus. — Pixabay

Thomas predicts that the lunar eclipse will bring about major job changes in Taurus's career, causing them to be busier than ever, juggling various responsibilities.

He predicts that if you leave a job at this time, you will see it as a long-awaited opportunity for a better future. If you are unemployed, polish your resume and send it.

Additionally, Thomas suggests focusing our attention on your health, as this period can allow you to make healthier choices when it comes to fitness and diet.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Gemini.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Gemini. — Pixabay

The full moon in March can potentially be fun for Geminis, as it can encourage them to explore hobbies and romances, making it an important period for singles to find love.

Thomas suggests setting up multiple dating options and making romance with your partner a top priority.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Cancer.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Cancer. — Pixabay

For Cancer, this full moon lunar eclipse will draw attention to your past, family, heritage, and education, potentially highlighting important family or parenting situations, according to Thomas.

He added that this energy could also be focused on home, domestic or real estate matters, which could lead to changes in roommates or even a redecoration of a living space.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Leo.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Leo. — Pixabay

For Leo, this full moon will bring interesting ideas to convey your vision, which could lead to milestones in writing, public speaking, social media, branding, or the completion of a major contract.

Do you have any important proposals that you need to present? Thomas suggests that you “do it now.”

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Virgo.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Virgo. — Pixabay

This full moon will energize real estate, allowing Virgo to monetize and evaluate their budget. They may see more opportunities for raises, job offers, or side jobs.

If income streams end near this time, Thomas suggests taking advantage of this lunation to move forward and find better opportunities.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Libra.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Libra. — Pixabay

For Libra, this full moon lunar eclipse could mark the culmination of an important personal project or endeavor.

Thomas advises being in glory and demanding your value in all areas of life, since now you are the one making the decisions.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Scorpio.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Scorpio. — Pixabay

This full moon event will prompt Scorpio to take a break, recharge, and reflect on their life and aspirations.

While you may feel exhausted, this time will allow you to reflect in solitude and listen to the guidance of your heart and spirit. According to Thomas, intense dreams are expected to become focused during this period.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Sagittarius.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. — Pixabay

Sagittarius, the life of the party, is expected to feel energized by the full moon lunar eclipse, bringing exciting events and opportunities to socialize.

Thomas advises Sagittarius to enjoy their time, meet new people and not work too much. He also suggests that someone can offer help to help him achieve the important aspirations of his heart.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Capricorn.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Capricorn. — Pixabay

For Capricorns, March's full moon is the time to make financial moves, as this lunar eclipse could lead to a review, promotion, or new job offer.

Reflecting on your past achievements and aspiring to grow is essential. According to Thomas, some Capricorns may also receive favorable publicity or an award.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Aquarius.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Aquarius. — Pixabay

This month's full moon lunar eclipse encourages Aquarius to explore new territories and horizons, giving in to their curiosity about life's offerings.

Thomas suggests that now is a good time to take that leap of faith and explore new possibilities, especially if travel is on your mind.

The time has come for Aquarius to focus on his academic, spirituality or religious projects, or to participate in media projects, as he may reach a turning point and return to school.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Pisces.  — Pixabay
This image shows an illustration of the zodiac sign Pisces. — Pixabay

For Pisces, this full moon lunar eclipse will highlight important partnerships in business or love, indicating growth and possible separation.

Thomas emphasizes the importance of equality and balance in connections, as Pisces may be growing closer than ever or deciding it's time to part ways due to disagreements.

Thomas predicts a change in wealth, assets or investments due to the upcoming lunation, which highlights the exchange and distribution of resources.

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