The world must protect the human rights of ethnic groups,” urges the Chinese foreign minister amid Israeli atrocities in Gaza

It notes that the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict cost the lives of nearly 30,000 civilians.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi poses as he meets with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan (not seen) in Ankara, Turkey, July 26, 2023. – Reuters

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi addressed the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council via video on Monday, emphasizing that the international community must ensure the protection of human rights for all. ethnic groups in a “fair, equal and effective” manner amid the current Israeli attack. about Gaza.

The member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China recognized the current state of global human rights governance and stated that the world faces turbulence, crises and conflicts that continue to increase, the situation in China Xinhua the news agency reported.

He drew attention to the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which has led to the loss of nearly 30,000 civilian lives and left nearly two million people displaced.

The 70-year-old diplomat stressed that it is the responsibility of the entire international community to protect the human rights of all ethnic groups and individuals alike.

Wang urged all parties to prioritize and develop people's interests and safeguard their rights, highlighted as the basis of human rights that should be pursued with greater urgency.

“We must defend equity and justice, oppose attempts to use human rights as a pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries or slow down the development of others, oppose acts of hegemonism and power politics, and reject practice of double standards”. Wang said.

He also urged all parties to respect the right of all countries to independently choose their paths towards human rights development rather than imposing their own values ​​or development models on others.

“We should pursue win-win cooperation. Consensus should be built through dialogue and mutual learning should be enhanced through exchanges,” Wang said.

Wang said UN human rights bodies should work fairly and objectively, follow a non-selective and non-politicized approach, and place equal emphasis on all types of human rights, including economic, social, cultural, civil and politicians.

Multilateral human rights bodies should serve as platforms for constructive engagement and cooperation by all parties, rather than a battleground for group politics or bloc confrontations, he said.

Wand said China, as a responsible large country, actively participates in global human rights governance, contributing to the conclusion of international conventions and declarations.

According to Wang, China is improving modernization and human rights protection and is committed to achieving modernization more equitably and upholding common human values.

He promised to collaborate with all parties to contribute to the global cause of human rights.

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