Saudi authorities begin cracking down on unauthorized Hajj pilgrims

File photograph showing two Saudi police officers on patrol. – Reuters

Saudi Arabia's Public Security has begun imposing fines of up to 10,000 Saudi Riyals (SAR) and deportation starting June 2 for pilgrims who violate Hajj regulations by performing the pilgrimage without a permit.

According to a report from Saudi Press Agency, (SPA), the no permit and no Hajj policy applies to Makkah city, central areas, holy places, Haramain railway station, security checkpoints, control centers and points temporary security checkpoints. This regulation remains in force until June 20, 2024.

Additionally, people caught transporting Hajj violators without permission can face prison sentences of up to six months, a fine of up to 50,000 rials, and confiscation of their vehicle.

Non-citizen offenders will be deported after serving their sentence and barred from re-entering the kingdom for a set period.

Fines will be multiplied according to the number of violators transported.

Violations can be reported by calling (911) in Makkah, Riyadh and the eastern regions, or (999) in other regions.

Saudi Arabia's Public Security emphasized that repeat offenders will incur double fines, underscoring the need to comply with Hajj regulations to ensure the safety, comfort and peace of Allah's guests during their rituals.

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