Restaurant Misleads Customers and Serves 'Dry Ice' Instead of Mouth Freshener

Representational image. — AFP/Archive

In the city of Gurugram, India, police arrested a hotel manager for allegedly serving dry ice disguised as mouth freshener to a group of diners. bbc reported.

The horrific incident left five customers vomiting and bleeding from the mouth after consuming the sugar and spice mixture traditionally offered after meals. Authorities revealed that the package in question contained dry ice, a solid form of carbon dioxide commonly used as a cooling agent.

All affected customers had to be hospitalized after the incident. Police arrested the manager on charges related to poisoning “with intent to cause harm or harm.” Meanwhile, the search is underway for the owner of the food establishment, who is currently evading the authorities.

The incident occurred when Ankit Kumar, a resident of Greater Noida city, visited the restaurant with his wife and friends. After dinner, a waiter offered them a packet of mouth fresheners.

However, upon consuming them, their mouths began to burn and bleed, and they began to vomit. A video circulating on social media captured customers screaming in pain, with some attempting to relieve the discomfort by putting ice in their mouths and swallowing water.

Despite their distress, customers accused restaurant staff of refusing to help. Subsequent examination by a doctor confirmed the presence of dry ice in the mouth freshener package.

Police are actively investigating the case and conducting forensic analysis of the contents to gather more evidence.

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