Republicans in the US House of Representatives pass a bill that pressures Biden to send weapons to Israel | Israel's war against Gaza News

The bill is not expected to become law, but its passage shows the depth of the election-year divide in the United States over Israel.

The Republican-led US House of Representatives passed a bill that would force President Joe Biden to send weapons to Israel, seeking to rebuke the Democrat for delaying bomb shipments while urging Israel to do more to protect civilians during their war with Hamas.

The Israel Security Assistance Support Act passed by 224 votes in favor and 187 against, largely along partisan lines. Sixteen Democrats joined a majority of Republicans in voting for it, and three Republicans joined a majority of Democrats in opposing the measure on Thursday.

The bill is not expected to become law, but its passage underscored the deep American divide in an election year over Israel policy, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government seeks to eliminate Hamas fighters who attacked Israel on the 7th. October, killing about 1,200 people and taking more than 250 people captive.

Palestinian authorities say at least 35,272 civilians have been killed during Israel's campaign in Gaza. Malnutrition is widespread and a large part of the population of the coastal territory has been left homeless and with infrastructure destroyed.

“This is a catastrophic decision with global implications. Obviously this is being done as a political calculation and we cannot allow this to continue,” Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said Wednesday at a news conference with other party leaders.

Democrats also accused their rivals of playing politics, saying Republicans were distorting Biden's position on Israel.

“It's not a serious legislative effort, which is why some of the most pro-Israel members of the House Democratic caucus will vote no,” House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries said at a news conference before the vote.

Huge casualties in Rafah

Biden suspended the transfer of the bombs this month out of fear that the weapons could cause huge casualties in Rafah and to deter Israel from going ahead with the attack.

In early May, Biden also told CNN that he would not “supply the weapons that have historically been used to deal with Rafah” if Israeli forces enter “population centers.”

Rights advocates, lawmakers and protesters across the United States have demanded an end to the transfers, warning the president that the weapons were being used for human rights violations and war crimes in Gaza.

Israel, a major recipient of US military assistance for decades, has yet to receive billions of dollars in US weaponry, despite the delay of a shipment of 2,000-pound (907 kg) and 500-pound bombs, and a review by of the Biden administration from other weapons shipments.

As recently as Tuesday, the State Department had moved a $1 billion package of arms aid for Israel to the congressional review process, U.S. officials said.

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