Putin warns West about nuclear preparation ahead of Russian elections

These comments were issued a few days before the presidential elections of March 15 to 17 in Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks after signing bilateral documents with his Kazakh counterpart Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in Astana, Kazakhstan, November 9, 2023. –Reuters

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a recent interview on Wednesday, reiterated that Russia is ready for a nuclear war if necessary. NBC News reported.

However, Putin added that the world is not inevitably heading towards nuclear war. He focused on Russia's next-generation nuclear arsenal and said he believed President Joe Biden had a clear vision of how an escalation could have disastrous consequences.

These comments were made just days before the March 15-17 presidential election, in which Putin is expected to be re-elected for a fifth term, making him head of the country for another six years.

This is the second time in just a week that Putin has used nuclear rhetoric that experts say is worrying about the growing hostility around the electoral process. During the interview, Putin spoke about the possibility of joint participation of Western countries in the war in Ukraine, in addition to warning of the danger of nuclear war.

He stated that American infantry in Russia or Ukraine would be seen as an invasion. However, he noted that Joe Biden's diplomatic background and the presence of experts in Washington would act as a deterrent.

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