President Biden meets with Alexei Navalny's widow, Yulia, and daughter, Dasha Navalnaya

President Biden expressed that Navalny's “legacy of bravery will live on” through his family

President Biden held a private meeting with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya in a San Francisco hotel room.—The White House

President Joe Biden held a private meeting with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya, the widow and daughter of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who recently died in an Arctic prison. bbc reported.

After the meeting in California, President Biden said that Navalny's “legacy of bravery will live on” through his family.

Alexei Navalny, an outspoken critic of the Kremlin, died suddenly while walking, the prison service said. However, Navalnaya believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated the death of her husband.

Several world leaders, paralleling Navalnaya's sentiments, have directly implicated Putin in Navalny's death. The meeting with the Navalny family came as the United States prepared to announce a substantial set of sanctions against Russia.

Photos released by the White House showed President Biden hugging Yulia and chatting with her and Dasha in a San Francisco hotel room. After the meeting, Biden informed reporters that Navalnaya is determined to persist in the fight and emphasized her unwavering determination.

The upcoming sanctions, targeting around 600 people and companies, represent the most significant set of measures since Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago. The White House stated that these sanctions were a direct response to the events surrounding Navalny's death.

While the Kremlin has refuted allegations of Navalny's murder in prison, dismissing the Western reaction as “hysterical,” Navalny's mother, Lyudmila Navalnaya, expressed concern on YouTube about threats from authorities regarding her son's burial. .

Allegedly pressured to agree to a secret funeral, she claimed authorities warned her of unspecified actions if she did not comply. Russian officials have not yet responded to these allegations.

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